Hello Geeks!!!
Welcome back to the series of science again with yet another
In this episode would like to share some exciting and amazing hacks about
brains from one of a fantastic book called...
'Brain Rules by John Medina.'
John Medina, a molecular scientist by passion and profession,
worked upon to disclose the science of the brain and its working
throughout the lifetime and discover numerous factors, conditions,
and myths related to the functioning of the brain. He compiled his
work to chapters in this book, which he explains in 12 essential
brain rules that can help one to use the brain more effectively and
So, come on, let's dig deeper...and discuss these rules one by
(Note: This episode is more of an informational, so what you know
may or may not be contrary to it, the motive is to add information
not contradict with existing one. Also, have used this book as a
core of this episode and doesn't claim to damage, alter, or create any intellectual proprietary in name
#Rule 1:Excercise Boosts Brain Power...
- Excercise, Discussed in the earlier episode of comfort zone series, removes blockhead from the brain that is dead brain cells or neurons, which causes difficulty in the thinking process.
- As exercise increases the blood flow inside the brain and results in a forceful escalation of these dead cells.
- Also, walking 20km a day, cycling, taking those stairs rather than elevators(except people with the disease suffering of joints or any.) can help you boost your productivity levels and increases resistance to stress, which in terms helps in living a stress-free life.
- Also, exercise acts directly on the molecular machinery of the brain, which in simple terms, means more oxygen to your mental sharpness. (Pun intended...😄)
#Rule 2: The Human Brain Evolved, Too...
(Survival Brain)
As part of the evolution, human brains have evolved too...the most
significant evidence of which can be seen in our brain's adaptability to
change. Our brain is developed in stages starting from that of the lizards,
later of a cat, and then keeping JELO as the upper layer, which is called
Cortex. Our brain is evolved due to numerous factors one which is most
significant of all are
- "due to the necessity of understanding others' motivations and intentions."
- That helped us to coordinate in groups.
- Help solve problems for survival due to the outdoor environment.
- "The Strongest Brains Survives Not the Bodies"
- It helped us to solve problems,
- Build Alliance
- Learn from mistakes
- Help us survive
Apart from this, what one should know :
- someone who doesn't feel safe from a teacher or boss wouldn't be able to perform well.
- If a teacher/Instructor cannot connect well with the way students learn, and an individual is likely to feel alone, and the student may become isolated.
#Rule 3: Every Brain is Wired Differently...
- No two people could ever have the same brain. They can store the information, process the data that shapes their mind, which remains different throughout the lifetime.
- Various regions of the brain develop at a different rate in different people.
- We think that there are 7 categories of intelligence, but in reality, it is 7 billion.
Either accept it or ignore it. The choice is yours...
#Rule 4: We don't pay attention to Boring things...
(Attention Rule)
- Brain attention ability can focus only on one thing at a time and not multiple items that burst the bubble of multitasking. The brain is not capable of multitasking.
- We are better at seeing the pattern and making sense out of it and not the ability to record it.
- Feeling helps in understanding things. If you have a positive attitude, it will help you to be positive and vice versa.
- What we pay attention to also pays a crucial rule in understanding things in simple terms, which means your area of interest also helps in shaping your perceptions.
- We pay attention to things like Emotion, Threats, and Sex as a part of the old brain.
- We can talk, see, breathe at the same time, but cannot do the same when it comes to bigger and more significant tasks.
#Rule 5: Repeat To Remember...(Short-term Memory Rule.)
The brain has many types of memory systems which follows four stages of
Processing :
- Information coming into your brains immediately gets splits into fragments and sent to different regions of brains.
- You can remember better if you can make the same environment in which you have first encountered the same thing.
- The human brain can only remember 7 pieces of information for less than 30 seconds, so you have to repeat it if you want to increase the time.
- Memories are volatile. So, you have to repeat to remember.
- Understanding increases Memory power.
- Irrelevant events take up the storage, which is wasteful, so as like phone memory also delete irrelevant images, incidents, places, people, or things.
- Memories are destroyed within minutes. The one that persists for a more extended period remains forever throughout the lifetime.
- Our brains give only an approximate view of reality. Because it mixes new knowledge with past memories.
#Rule 7: Sleep Well, Think Well...
- The brain is in a constant state of tension between cells & chemicals. Cells that try to put you to sleep & chemicals which work to keep you awake.
- Unless wiring sleeping is also something that varies from person to person in terms of how much sleep they need.
- Taking a nap might make you more productive.
Sleeping is part of blessings because it is a natural exercise for
increasing the immunity of the brain.
#Rule 8: Stressed Brains Don't work the same way...(Stress Rule.)
- Our body releases adrenaline to respond to threats, excessive adrenaline creates scars in your blood vessels that can cause a heart attack or stroke.
- Chronic stress, the stress that arrives due to domestic tensions at home, relations, etc., cause damages to the brain's ability to respond to a threat.
- These things damage our ability to learn or, in the worst-case, harms the learning and executive functionality of the brain.
- Your brain is made to handle the stress that lasts within 30 seconds. Our brain is not designed to handle longterm stress.
- Increases diseases and health issues with distorting sleep cycles.
#Rule 9:Stimulate more senses...
- We absorb information from an event through our senses, which translates electrical signals to information.
- The brain also relies on past experience to capture how the events are to interpreted based on these senses, which in turn results in two persons experiencing the same thing in different ways.
- Senses evolved to work together. We learn best if we stimulate these senses together.
- Smells have the power to bring back and evoking memories.
#Rule 10:Vision Trumps All Other Senses...
- We see what our brains tell us, and it is not 100 percent accurate.
- Retina assembles all the bits and pieces of photons (light energy traveling in vacuum emitted due to object ) into a movie like streams of information.
- Visual Cortex Process this information, and we combine this information together back so we can see again.
- We learn and remember better through pictures. Incredible at remembering 65% of what we see even after days of incidents.
#Rule 11: Male & Female Brains are Different...
(Gender Rule.)
- X chromosomes that have significant contributions in the making of the brain are more in females, i.e., 2, and males have only one.
- Women are genetically more complex because their active x chromosomes are a mix of moms & dads.
- Male & female brains are different structurally as well as biochemically.
- Men & Women respond to acute stress differently.women's activate the left hemisphere of the brain and remembers the emotional details of the mind, where men use the right amygdala and understand the exact details of events like why and how.
- Males suffer from schizophrenia in a ratio of 2:1 that of females.
- Women are likely to suffer from depression more than men. This continues till the next 50yrs from adulthood stage.
- Males are more likely to show antisocial behavior. And females are more likely to suffer from anxiety.
- Both genders process emotions differently. This difference is due to nature and nurture.
(Exploration Rule)
- We learn through active testing observations, hypothesis, experiment & conclusion.
- Despite being in the classroom and Cubicles, our desire to learn, explore, and experiment new things never leave us.
Our heart is a natural Explorer...only, it is fueled through our
thoughts, knowledge, and experiences.
Before Ending this episode...would like to quote a great man that once
said :
"Before you think...know how you think and why you think...that will help you decide of what to think and what not to think...is this thinking helping me to create something or destroy something!!!"
It's...Mr.Rock Signing off...see you in the next episode with
something more interesting!!!
Shukran, Alvida, Basalamat...Take care All you wonderful