Newton's first law of motion says:
" A body at rest
remains at rest until
it is disturbed by external,
or internal force"
...also can be termed as a law of comfort zone.
So, wasting no time further...Let's Get Started!!!
A great man once said:
"Comfort zone is not harmful but building walls around one's comfort zone is..."
In this episode, we gonna talk about the most debated topic of the century or from the centuries. Something we all have been a victim of somehow or the other directly or indirectly and some might don't even know if they are in comfort zone ....hahaha. Well, there are always pros and cons related to everything we come across but what we choose to focus upon is what impacts us the most. So, choose wisely. Here, I m not trying to justify my comfort zone but what I m trying to say is...we should take the positive aspects of it and ignore the negative ones.
Moral of the formula story is that when your maturity levels are low when you are that time you need or require a routine to set the momentum for your mind to have productive habits that are called programming your brain....but as you grow up with time your maturity levels increase so you can easily hack into your mind and you can set the momentum easily.
Apart, from this what one should know is living comfortably is not the opposite of living dangerously that's the misconception many might have. As like many people risk their growth for the ease and comfort life and yet they complain that they are deprived of adventure and growth.Because comfort can sometimes prove to be boring.
Now, taking this discussion further let's talk more about the comfort zone...
I would like to list down some question's that comes to my mind whenever I talk about comfort zone ...some really basic ones and this goes as follows...I would like to answer them one by one...For avoiding an overdose of information will answer some of the questions in the part-2 of the episode.
So, Here is the first one ...
What one should know about the Comfort Zone?
According to research at Princeton University in 2001 in the neurological department scientist have defined that there are three types of zones or psychological states namely: comfort zone, optimal performance zone, and the danger zone.
Comfort Zone
As, said earlier comfort zone is a beautiful place deprived of growth, where learning might or might not happen but it will be slow even if it does. It's a psychological state or zone which is stress-free having less anxiety, where you feel familiar and at ease with the environment. You feel you are the controller or in charge of the environment driven by your wish. It's those times of our day or life where our brain becomes Lazy and we are on an autopilot mode inside our brain, our brain tends to find the easiest path to every problem
So, one point here I would like to make is one should take extra precautions and make oneself extra aware in deciding their goals. As unrealistic goals will never let you start and highly adventurous will never let you finish and one might end up risking their lives and putting themselves in danger zone. Apart from this, there are also ones that are realistic but achieving them takes time, or mastering them takes time the reason being we live in a world full of uncertainty and rapid change. So, if you want to be at the top in certain genre or domain, then you need to learn the dynamics of demand and supply of the talent and skills required to achieve heights with the time across that particular domain because reaching the top is not the goal but remaining on the top is the one. With that said.... let's summarize these three zones...
Source from medium |
What causes one to get into a comfort zone?
Well, there could be N number of reasons but let's discuss some of the most common ones which are easy for one to fall prey for.
- Routine
- As discussed earlier some people are very particular about their daily habits. So, they have to build a system around themselves which is so-called as routine, which enables them to achieve their daily task easily. But, what happens with them is with growth in time their task, priority, and responsibility changes but as their mind becomes habitual to the old routine and now changing one (routine) becomes a problem.
- Inconsistency + Procrastination
- This is something many of you may or may not be able to relate to. But, this is something that arises as a consequence to wrong goal setting or incomplete planning, which in turn hinders your overall completion process and that leads to a gap or hole in completing one task over a course of time. These small mistakes lead to bigger damage as one keeps procrastinating about the deadline.
- Lack of Competency
- It will be completely unfair if it is regarded or labeled as a cause of comfort zone because it is also the consequence of the comfort zone. But, lack of incompetency is something that seems to take a person to the next level of comfort zone which is not the learning zone but the danger zone. Because once an individual starts losing competency, he/she is deprived of quality efforts as well as the efficiency required to do the task which in turn puts oneself in a dangerous position. It also somewhat means getting disconnected from reality.
- Disrupted Priority + Unorganized habits
- The major reason via which people sometimes end up in comfort zone is they take a lot in their plate and end up feeling exhausted to complete it due to lack of energy and unorganized ability to prioritize task which again results in chaos or creating havoc.
- Limited learning + Lack of motivation
- Giving up on learning new things and seeking comfort and confidence in what you know or familiar things can also act as a fuel due to which one might end up in a comfort zone or it can also be a consequence of lack of motivation or goal.
The point here, I would like to make is either over or very less anxiety/stress mixed with the feeling of being familiar, in charge of everything, can end you up in either comfort zone or danger zone.
Well, the list can go on and on....but would like to keep the list short ...and you should keep a track of these factors from time to time ....if it helped you it would be a long term benefit...
So, folks will continue this episode in the next part to avoid an overdose of information and keep it fun ...
Please do comment down below if you like this episode in the next episode will discuss the so-called permanent damages and temporary benefits of the comfort zone, with tried and tested and personal remedies, Also reveal who are the people who benefit from the comfort zone and with the one who is most affected ones...
Shukran Alvida, Basalamat, Take Care All you lovely people ...Thanks!!!💙💜💗
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Good job noor👍'$'