
Hello Audience !!!

Here are we with last but not the least episode of the warriors series...grab a coffee and tune in because it's gonna raining hacks....!!!  

Quoting a great man that once said:

"Hate me or Love me, But am still gonna make it!!!"                          

Remote Control

In the last episode, we talked about the power of self-discipline and why we need it, and also how can we build it...well in this episode we gonna drill the cousin of self-discipline termed self-control.

Inside the box, it might occur to you...

Hey Devta what's the difference??
To answer that outside the box there is only one difference that is the silver lining, self discipline is a key that helps you get started but self-control is a key that's what keeps you going. Adherence to one helps you boost the other. Well, both take the same component that we talked about in an earlier episode(if you haven't read it go check out now) but how they operate is different. For Eg: It's 4am in the morning and after a whole lot of century of Mississippi's writing several drafts and deleting, you feel give it up all. But it's the hunger of impactful existence...creating something meaningful that doesn't let you that's where you get your dose of motivation not to give up.

This motivation my friend that's what self-control is all hack for this is multi-task, switching between the task help me come back stronger. Because there are many levels to the work you do and in the times you stuck it becomes a great source of confidence booster....who said multi-task is a myth? do it the right way and you enjoy the pain....thats the first hack you get...and will cover the rest the later....also want to clarify what works for one becomes hell for the other...if you can get through then continue otherwise let it go.

So, what do we have in the store for today's episode...
  • What is Self Control and Why?
  • What Causes a Lack of  Self Control?
  • How to Build it and never give a fuck to negativity...
  • Benefits of Self-Control.

So, Let's Get Started ...

What is Self-Control and Why?

Well, self-control is an essential tool used for self-improvement if used wisely and with common sense to get what you want. It is the ability to control and retain negative impulses and invest energy in productive work. While self-control is boosting your willpower by realizing what sucks your energy unnecessary and realizing where you need to channelize it to stand when, emotions, and behaviors which leads to destructive habits. Self-control is just not the actions you perform but also the beliefs and habits you form that helps you to make the productive process smoother. It can be with any day to day life activity ranging from your eating habits to sleeping habits even to talking habits 😉. Self-discipline is investing your will power by investing time and energy for where you want to be in life. And self-control is not letting that will power drained in unnecessary things.  Reading this you might infer dude why so boring?...well boring only because you haven't seen the other world or the other part of the story where the world is beautiful with self-control which will discuss it next. A small step to destiny is way stronger and greater than jumping like a kangaroo on an uncertain path just in the pursuit of temporary pleasures.

Self-control is vital for overcoming obsessions, fears, addictions, and any kind of impulsive behavior. It puts you in control of your life, your behavior, and your reactions. It improves your relationships, develops patience and tolerance, and is an important tool for attaining success and happiness.

Well now answering the question... 

Does life get boring with self-control?

And the answer is definitely no, the other part of the world is more beautiful with love rather than lust. yes being addicted to a particular mindset is what passion all about. But doing things repetitively just for sake of pleasure and neglecting the consequences is a negative passion which is the root of all evil. Self-control is about accepting this fact and working towards it to come out of the loop. Well, what makes life exciting and not boring the beliefs you build from childhood because they are the glasses you see the world with, and self-control plays a major role in shaping these beliefs and that too in a positive way.
just imagine being around that negative kind of people with full of problems to every solution and idea don't you feel mercy for them well that's my friend wonders of self-control all might ask then what people with self-control does for fun well they love truly rather than waiting to get over lust, they travel rather than confined to one region, they engage and interact with people with similar vision and mission. And that's what is my second hack for self-control. Now let's answer one simple question ...

What is smartness?

Well, my definition of smartness is the ability of one to convince the world about how intelligent you are, which means spending your energy and willpower to stay focused and sharp to prove everything you do in a similar fashion. Now, what if you don't want them to know that you are intelligent, what happens then??? simple you save your willpower and energy and lower your distractions level from being waste, this is what self-control helps you gain with time. And that's the third hack you get from today's episode.

Well, now we got a clear idea of what self-control is let's discuss some hacks to how one can build self-control in their lives...

Building Self-Control!!!

To be honest there can't be such a guide to self-control even there is a lot of presence of one on the internet. Because it is more of a person to person thing and where is it you stand in your life. So, what am gonna give it to you here is what might work for the majority and proved to be successful in tried and tested.

  • Identifying areas or places where you lack control.
    •  Eating, sleeping habits.
    • Addiction to mobiles, computers.
    • Watching shows, movies like a maniac.
    • Gaming addiction.
    • Toxic relations.
    • Being angry and feeling irritated and frustrated all the time. 
    • Craving pleasure, dopamine addiction.
  • Become aware of your feelings and uncontrolled emotions.
  • Keep track of your thoughts and beliefs that affecting you and hurting you all time.
  • Thinking but not Overthinking, just listing the pros and cons of your behaviors.
  • Practicing affirmations that are must a  definite for self-discipline too. 
    • I am in control of my reactions
    • I am the manager of my life and god is my master.
    • Day by Day I am reaching where I want to be with my Life by controlling emotions and feelings that hold me back.
    • Self-control is fun and pleasure.
  • Visualizing yourself how far you have come practicing self-control and how now onwards you will act in coming situations of your life which demands self-control.
  • Practicing Resilience.
  • Distancing away from people who disturbs your well being for their own fame.
  • If you are unable or break the stereotypes approach a mentor, a senior, or a counselor may be for some advice.
These might not be it may be many more remains undiscovered but for beginners, that's enough. If you have your own such learning from story or experience of yours do share below. 

Now, that's it for the beginners...let's actually dive deeper to know what are the hurdles to self-control. what stops one to be self-control.

Repellents to self-control...
Why it is so difficult to build self-control???

  • Lack of Knowledge and Purpose.
  • Lack of desire to evolve and come out of comfort zone.
  • Lack of willingness in breaking the stereotypes.
  • Reacting without analyzing.
  • Lack of faith in one's ability.
  • Too much dependency on others.
  • The setting of wrong beliefs from so long that is misshaping the new one.
These are some of the hurdles faced in one's pursuit of self-control. But overcoming one is definitely will get you started your journey with self-control.

Quoting, a Great Man that Once Said:
"Too much of something can be injurious and deadly...if not balanced!!!"

That means what if one suffers from Over self-control... then the scene will be as follows :
  • A person will have difficulty in Relaxing 
  • Always Distancing with others.
  • Has a Rigid Personality.
  • Always Overly Focused on Details.
  • Has a lack of feelings or suffers from displaying feelings
  • Consider themselves always being responsible(Living with Guilt)
  • Always trying to avoid risks.
Sad, is what it is, but things do change with time if found the right motivation to deal with just keep your mind clear and ventilated so that good and positive thoughts get inside very well. And surrounding with positive people helps every time. The best example of exaggerated self-control is my favorite character Sheldon cooper. Why such a thing arises in the first places well some suffer from heredity(fault in the genes) and the others due to lack of socialism.  

Now, after discussing the drawbacks let's settle for Benefits that make self-control the most important and essential tool in one's life for prospering.

Benefits of Mighty Self-Control!!!

Well, we already discussed why having self-control is important. Now, let's find what jewels do come with being a self-control laureate.
  • You become organized just not with life but with the chaos and hustle you go through.
  • It makes you superhuman. 
  • It helps to manifest mental and emotional detachment, which is a major contributes to peace of mind.
  • You become the controller of your mood and reject negative feelings and thoughts.
  • self-control makes you special in every possible way a human can imagine.
  • It helps to keep a check over unhealthy habits that might be ruining your happiness whether it is about unhealthy eating or thinking habits.
  • It is a path to boost your inner strength, self-mastery, and willpower.
  • It makes you a responsible and trustworthy human being and takes charge of your life.
  • You make the world beautiful for those around you.
  • It helps you to overcome temptations that are indulging you in unhealthy doing which harms your emotional and mental state.

Given these benefits indeed one becomes addicted to self-control once start seeing and sowing these results in our lives.

Enjoyed...Then Do comment down below and support our blog for more!!!

It's a wrap...See you in the next episode, stay tuned for more till then...It's Mr.Rock Signing off!!!

Shukran, Alvida, Basalaamat, Take Care of all you lovely friends!!!💙💚💜



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