Hey Fellas, Happy Dussherra !!!
"This year burn the Ra-one Within...to light the light Within!!!"
Here is another blogpost with something amazing dedicated to my life experiences and definition I learned over with time. Also, I just can't say that I have mastered it but m still learning it and getting better from the previous day...still there is a long journey to cover. Well you might mock it's too much to expect from a guy who procrastinates, isn't it?...well the answer is...yes, it is. but maybe not too much for a guy who believes in quality rather than quantity.
One simple thing would like to mention is that according to the law of conservation of energy:
"Energy Can niether be created nor be destroyed,only transferred or manipulated"
So in this blog post would like to talk about the first tool self-discipline. Taking reference from the above law inferring that indeed self-discipline is also an energy which is limited. But the thing is if you channelize it the right way...you get what you want in life.
This is particularly a two-part series to make it more interesting and fun have divided this blog post into two parts series wherein the second part will talk about self-control and various techniques to cultivate it in daily lives as per the learn as you apply model.
Well, This one was on my list for a long but want to make sure that I placed it at the right time as we discussed a lot of things such as narcissism, comfort zone, the science of hormones, stoicism, etc.
So, Let's get started...
What is Self-Discipline?
Self-discipline explained in simple terms is the light that lights within no matter how stormy it gets. Well, before knowing more about self-discipline one should know about the difference between willpower and self-discipline. Will power is the ability of our mind to stay focused which acts as a crucial component in self-discipline. But self-discipline is doing something productive consistently. The best example that can be given for self-discipline is found in athletes or sportspeople no matter how worst or shameful news you hear about them being published in news but it is them in the end who maintain their form at any cost and win the game for the team to represent their country. Also definitely there are exceptions in good and bad ways in every field so let's not bother about it. Well, that brings me to list down the two most important component of self-discipline which are :
- Will Power.
- Purpose.
The above two factors are something that shapes your self-discipline. You might argue ...isn't that the same thing used for self-control???...well hold your horse's fellas for time being will reach there in part-2 so stay tuned.
Why Need Self-Discipline?
Possession of self-discipline enables actions, thoughts, and behaviors that lead to improvement and success. Imagine, a situation you have a deadline to be met tomorrow and you haven't started the work yet and looking for motivation to get through the mundane tasks that have been piled up for so long and need to be completed urgently. Now, this is where you suffer from life and death situations which could have been easily avoided if you had this magical power called self-discipline which allows you to complete these exhaustive bits of tasks pieces by pieces. This is the best explanation probably due to which one can get to know what self-discipline is all worth.
Having self-discipline ensures that you stick to more healthy physical and mental habits. And having a strong work ethic. We are rewarded for our good behavior not only in the form of rewards but also in other ways. These recent times have led us to a lot of changes, many of us are working remotely from home which has caught us in struggling with various personal issues and challenges too. But these are the times that will be remembered back in the future that impacted in such a way which made us come out stronger and better.
Gone are those days when you suffered from a lack of self-discipline alone, now not to mention we are living in an era of technology where you can use various apps and techniques to help you develop and nurture self-discipline. Here is the list of some apps you can check out if you are an android user.
How to Build Self-Discipline?
Well, its true raw talent, intelligence, and skills aren't the only things that will take you there...that's where self-discipline ring the bell. Now, arises the small headache in our big minds about how one should go to cultivate self-discipline in our lives. My favorite part of the story let's post mortem...to discuss some of the ways in which we can spend our will power wisely and get major things done. Imagine your willpower as breakfast on a long journey which seems to be limited and also having more can cause wastage so how do you go about utilizing it in a proper way.
- Knowing What You Do!!!
- Setting Responsible and Realistic Tasks!!!
Listing down what needs to be get done is the smartest way to avoid procrastination and still, you suffer from it setting a reward will do the trick. But, the most important thing to keep in mind the more you use your willpower, the more you suffer from burn out. So setting the task isn't only the goal but setting it correctly and in an organized manner is what matters in the end.
- Take Good Sleep!!!
- Short breaks over a long Sprint!!!
- Limiting yourself away from Distraction!!!
- Never Play The Victim!!!
Do your job without whining. You are always in charge of the things that are in your control. Complaining will just make it more difficult and in turn, results in exhausting willpower.
- Practice assertion every day!!!
Practise assertion everyday channelize yourself with positive energy and word has proved to be a greater way to mark the difference and help one to come out of negativity and toxicity. Change your 'No' with 'yes' every day and you just don't change your life you change the world around.
Final Thoughts...
Well everyone in life is trying to achieve something rather than just living. And Self-discipline has always proved to be a significant role in people's lives. In the earlier section, I did mention above sportspeople and athletes who are tremendous and remarkable in attaining higher stages in self-discipline. Well, it's only possible because there are being surrounded by like-minded people and that's what my point is to surround yourself with people who share the same goal and not with the people who just use you today and throw you tomorrow there will be those people it's only that you don't know today but you will come to know tomorrow. The major reason and lack of self-discipline in today's youth is the adversity of companionship in schools and colleges they come across. Just I want to remind you that before you listen to those who have no hand in your future or even they don't belong in your future ...."Know your worth!!!".
For every Ra-one there will be Ram you got to choose whom you pick in the end.!!!
Here's the end of today's blogpost....see you in part-2 where we discuss a more crucial subject...
Shukran, Alvida, Basalamat...Take Care All You Lovely Freinds!!!💙💚💜