What Is Imposter Syndrome?

 Hello Rockers!!!

Here is the song dedicated to this blogpost!!!

A great man Once Said:

"If you love someone,

you listen to no one,

only if that someone, 

has to be part of you!!!"

Welcome to yet another episode discovering the psychological concept many might not aware of...

Well, without wasting any time further let's dive deeper and understand what this devil all about...!!!

Ever Heard the phrases in your mind, that goes...

I don’t deserve my success,
I feel like an impostor,  
People are going to find out I am a fraud,

Well, the devil's eye may or may not be real but the imposter syndrome is...we are just going to talk about the why and the demon causing it... 

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Most of us have experienced feelings of doubt and unworthiness at some point in our lives. But when your accomplishments are a result of your own knowledge, hard work, and preparation and you still feel inadequate ... you're probably suffering from impostor syndrome. Imposter syndrome is just not a psychological phenomenon but also a mental block that one faces in a healthy career-life that makes one believe in the delusion that they are not the owner of their own success...and they just got lucky to reach where they are. Not necessarily corporate careers it can happen to anyone who craves perfections and is labeled as high achievers in any walks of life.

People suffering from imposter syndrome often suffer from the dilemma of being fake and fraudsters that will lead to exposure of their truth causing them to have low self-esteem, poor confidence in self, and lacking sometimes conviction in the doing that is utterly Bold. Research shows that 70% of people who belong from a well(parents) or partial(siblings) academic background where they suffer from the competition either from the siblings or peers for the social status are most likely to suffer from Imposter Syndrome. Now, you might wonder how do we know that one suffers from an Imposter syndrome or not that will answer next...

Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome?

To answer that seriously, let's list down some of the symptoms and then you decide on your own...
  • Are you reluctant to share your idea in public?
  • Do you have difficulty taking the appreciation?
  • Do you doubt your instincts as it comes because you feel they are not worthy enough?
  • Do you find it difficult to internalize your past successes and achievements?
  •  Do you have fear of failure?
  • Do you feel insecure or scared around some set of people or certain situations that caused the trigger?
  • Do you fear asking the question in public?
  • Difficulty in making peace with pasts failures?
  • Are you scared of asking for feedbacks it might prove your doubts?
  • Are you afraid to let the people outside know how you feel?
  • Do you listen to the negative talk inside the mind all the time?

If you answered all of them as 'yes' then my friend it might be possible that you are not there yet you still need hard work because it is possible for the average person to experience all this together. But, if you answered some of them as true then you definitely caught in the trap of 'Imposter Syndrome' or what I call as Victim's Trap.

Now, let's understand how of why...

How does one become vulnerable to Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome is indeed a reaction to certain situations based that lead to foster some beliefs at the early age of your life which you are still not able to overcome. But, one might ask 'hey, great man ...how do you overcome beliefs?'...so, my friend you don't overcome one you set a new one replacing the old one. Now, looking at some of the behavioral factors that might be causing this pain.

  • Imposter Syndrome is Intellectual self-doubt 
Generally, it impacts high achievers such as successful business owners and academics. Children who have been told to not bring attention to themselves or to not feel that they are better than others are more likely to be predisposed to impostor syndrome. Research shows It is likely to occur in women more than men. 

  • Perfectionism
yes, perfectionism is a defined myth that leads one to set high standards and time-consuming deadlines. which sometimes becomes too difficult to reach and achieve. 

  • Negative Self-talk/Overthinking 

People often end up criticizing themselves too much and at the same time indulging themselves in overthinking too much a particular scenario which results in becoming a  habit over a period of time and of course not the good one

  • The Soloists

The ones who prefer working alone and resists asking for help. They often struggle to work in teams and accept the fact that self-worth is a result of their own productivity.

  • Social Media.

As discussed in the previous episode In Today's world where branding and marketing oneself come so easy. People are portraying high standards and then struggling to live up to one is the major cause that this syndrome is getting popular in today's youths and adults and hence hindering their growth by creating social anxiety which comes with failing to match.

  • High Competition...
Today's gig economy and high career opportunities hustles are the leading cause of the demand in evolving one's mindset that is damaging and confusing to our self-esteem and mental health. Moreover, many fields of business, especially digital ones, are fast-paced and changeable. It is what makes business owners and startups so interesting and challenging at the same time. That also means that you regularly have to deal with things you don’t know and everyone tells you “need to learn ASAP”. The pace of technological change is faster than ever, it’s hard to stay on the cutting edge unless you can learn on the fly.

These all factors add up to ones believing that overworking is the only option you have and in this race of being the limitless one actually is losing their own authenticity which is a result of Imposter Syndrome.

Well, Nobody in this world is interested only in the disease. We, humans, need the remedy or the cure...so let's move on to how to cope with imposter syndrome.

5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

  • Know the thoughts
Keep track of your thoughts and start analyzing are they real or just imaginary. Stop worrying about things that aren't real or out of your control that leads to anxiety. Pay attention to your language choices, both when you're talking to other people and when you're talking to yourself -- especially when it comes to talking about work. If you find your own success or the praise others give you uncomfortable, do some reflective thinking on where those types of thoughts came from and what it means in your professional life.

  • Know that you are not alone 
A major reason for self-doubt is because we suffer all alone and think that people around have all figured it out and they are living a chill life which is not the case. All suffer from self-doubt and social anxiety once or another in a lifetime. Talking to peers finding the people who have gone through a similar experience and learning from their mechanism of coping with the same can help you overcome this faster.

  • Keep a Bragging File/Sucess Reminders
Keep track of your success and past achievements. Success generally hasn't to do with trophies or badge it's more about how you overcome particular situations in life and of course, you were rewarded for the same. Even If something you haven't yet overcome keeps trying.Because victory deserves you more than you to the victory.

  • Let go perfectionism 
Perfectionism isn't helping if it is not letting you anywhere. But perfectionism only feeds into your impostor syndrome. When you feel like a fraud, it's usually because you're comparing yourself to some *perfect* outcome that's either impossible or unrealistic.
Bottom line? While striving for perfection is certainly noble, it's usually not realistic -- and often, it's counterproductive and will only make you feel more like a fraud. It might sound difficult but it is possible...believe me if you are facing one.

  • Be Kind to yourself.
Well, might be too honest it is a very difficult task. If you already have been through a lot. But, you got to practice it every day. Knowing your success isn't enough but also knowing that years of hard work and century of struggle you have been through. Remind it every day that is going to build your way no matter how lonely it gets you are the hero of your own life. And remember the director that's backing you.

Well, that's it folks might be there could be more but these are the ones have started working on in the recent past. Hope It might help you too and if you have more don't forget to share down below.

It's Mr.Rock signing off ...see you in the next episode!!!

💥💥💥Happy Diwali Folks...Maybe The Light always with you💥💥💥


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